about us

#308 Inc. 500 fastest Growing Company

#7 Fastest Growing Company in Rochester

#308 Inc 500 Fastest Growing Company in the United States

2,352.8% Growth Rate since it was founded in 2014

Our mission is simple.

We aggregate amazing new and existing technology and education in a way that radically enhances the experience and results realized by sellers, buyers, and agents in the residential real estate, mortgage, and insurance industries nationwide.

RAP Success Systems works with Real Estate Brokers and Agents to build and scale their business through automated services and advanced technologies. This includes lead generation and data management system technologies that help generate more listing opportunities and presentations with home sellers. Our automated technology, processes, and dedicated ISA team help agents manage their entire sales funnel to get 11x higher conversion rates, save up to 16 hours a week, and generate predictable income.

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